NEON’s Movement Builders programme is a 5 day intensive training course for people working towards big systemic change. When they held a training conference at the Butetown Pavilion, just a stone's throw from Cardiff Bay, I was commissioned to photograph one of the most active conference day’s goings on.
The brief given to me by the main organiser was to capture the smaller discussion groups intensively as well as any other parts of the day that I felt would document the energy of the day. What was palpable from the moment I walked into the huge conference room was just how relaxed the delegates were. Dressed appropriately for a hot summer day and some of the discussions actually taking outside on the grassy banks in the park behind the venue, there was so much going on. There was so was energy and bustle in the large group and smaller discussion sessions. These photos represent how I felt the day to evolve and hope it demonstrates the vibrant energy of the event.
If you are organising a conference or training event anywhere around Cardiff, South Wales and would like me to photograph your activities, do please drop me a line.
Taz Rahman is a corporate events photographer working around Cardiff, South Wales and Greater London, also available for event and party photography throughout the UK

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